homeschool advice

What about socialization? The answer we’d LIKE to give…

When you announce you’ve chosen to homeschool, there is a question that follows about .03 seconds later: what about socialization? Ah. Good ol’ homeschool socialization. Some people ask what about socialization because they’re genuinely curious, and you can have a great conversation with them about homeschool socialization. But there are other people who simply insinuate …

What about socialization? The answer we’d LIKE to give… Read More »

It's common to have anxiety about homeschooling high school. But let's make sure we're not nervous about the high school years for the wrong reason.

Anxiety About Homeschooling High School? Don’t Say This.

It’s not uncommon to have some anxiety about homeschooling high school. The high school years tend to bring out every single worry and concern that we successfully kept hidden while doing elementary art projects and morning basket story times. And it doesn’t help at all when a family member or friend says, “Wait. You’re going …

Anxiety About Homeschooling High School? Don’t Say This. Read More »

Find yourself wondering where the homeschooling high school community disappeared to? Here's an explanation about why there are less homeschool blogs and groups as your homeschoolers get older...

Where did the homeschooling high school community go?

It’s a commonly asked question once you reach the years of homeschooling high school: where did the homeschooling high school community go? Reaching the last leg of the homeschooling journey (read: high school years) really feels like a huge leap off one platform to another; one platform being everything I’ve taught you, the other platform …

Where did the homeschooling high school community go? Read More »

Wishing your homeschooler would be more independent? Here are two things that are a big part of independence...

Want Independent Homeschoolers? Teach Them These Two Things

Years ago as a brand new homeschooling mom, I would hear people gush about the fact that homeschooled children are so darn independent. I looked into the future and assumed our days would eventually play out with us going about our own thing, exploring our own fabulous interests and doing everything we felt we needed …

Want Independent Homeschoolers? Teach Them These Two Things Read More »