Let's talk about the awesome of saying no, okay? Because it is completely okay to say no. It's completely okay to *not* do all the things. Promise.

Say No, Busy Mom. It’s Totally Okay.

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The letters N and O make a small word, but it’s one that can pack a powerful punch! I know that you want to do all the things and help all the people. It’s in our nature—we are very kind and giving people, right? But there really are some things in your life that you can just say no to.

Listen. If your plate is too full, it’s going to tip over—and unless you have a dog to help clean things up, you’re in for a big mess.

This goes for homeschooling, momming, and plenty of other areas in your life. There are lots of places to realize we can say no because we really can’t do it all.

Here are my top five reasons that all mamas should learn to just say no. Listen up!

#1: Say no. Not every awesome thing that comes your way is yours to latch on to.

Even though something looks awesome, it might not be your thing to do—maybe not for this season, and maybe not for any season from here to eternity.

Yes, your best friend is starting a really awesome new business venture, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t help with it right now.

Right now you’re in the midst of babies or toddlers or a job change. You’re dealing with marriage issues or a financial mess or moving or an overwhelming depression. Or, you’re just dealing with the chaos that is called Life!

Consider the fact that there are a lot of really awesome, neat things out there that are yours to admire and cheer for and support, but aren’t necessarily yours to DO.

#2: Say no. The fact that you don’t have time to do something is not a comment on the worthiness of the thing you’ve been asked to do.

You can say no to running the bake sale or taking over the youth ministry director position or helping out with ditch cleaning or signing up for another year of homeschool co-op.

It does not mean that these things aren’t worthy, wonderful things. It simply means you don’t have time for them.

I recently had to decline participation in some meetings that moved from quarterly to monthly—on a night I was already serving at other meetings. When approached about why I had bowed out of the now monthly meetings, I was asked, “don’t you think the work we are doing is important?”

Yeah. I do. But unless you’re going to chop me in half with an axe, I can’t be two places at once.

#3: Say no. You’re overextending yourself to the detriment of your family, and you might not like how they are processing that…

Sometimes,  there is a deep reason that mom just can’t say no. Sometimes mom will keep saying yes to outside things because it fills a part of her that isn’t being filled at home. Or she just feels a responsibility to help everyone.

The problem is, the stuff at home (which should be the first, most important commitment) often gets pushed aside.

I remember sitting with a husband who joked that if he ever had a request for his wife, he was better off telling their 4H club or church to ask her to do it, than to ask her himself.

“She’ll say yes to any outside organization who needs help, but if her family asks, she rolls her eyes.”

In other words, his joking about the 4H club and church wasn’t really a joke.

#4: Say no. Always saying yes means you are teaching people that you will always say yes.

This week they’ve asked you to teach history at co-op, to volunteer at the food shelf, and to pick up some decorating supplies for the dance recital even though it’s a half hour out of your way. You’re frustrated that they always ask you.

But do you know why they always ask you?

Because you never say no.

Well, yeah. You think I have to say yes. It’s not going to get done if I don’t say yes. I mean, they looked around and haven’t found anyone else who can do it.

Do you know why they haven’t found anyone else who can do it?

Because everyone else says no.

#5:  Say no. It’s completely okay to say no.

When in the world did we ever learn that saying no was wrong?

Let’s get rid of that connection in our brain that equates “no” with “guilt”. I mean, really—cut right through that cord and let it go.

It’s perfectly okay to decline participation, and the beauty of it is, we don’t even have to give a reason if we don’t want to.

NO is a complete sentence—short, sweet, to the point, and perfectly acceptable to say.

Having a rough time, mama? Here are a few more posts you might want to check out:

Homeschool Mom Friends: The 7 Types You Need

You Might Be a Homeschool Mom If…

Why You Are Not a Bad Parent

Always Together: How to Handle Relationships in a Homeschooling Family

Independence, Mom Guilt, and How to Deal

Let's talk about the awesome of saying no, okay? Because it is completely okay to say no. It's completely okay to *not* do all the things. Promise.

Tired of the sugarcoated version of homeschooling? Read my book The Homeschool Highway: How to Navigate Your Way Without Getting Carsick.


1 thought on “Say No, Busy Mom. It’s Totally Okay.”

  1. Excellent advice. I’m always trying to remind myself that “No.” is a complete sentence and I don’t have to justify why I’m saying no.

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