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Like most folks this time of year, we’re keeping track of the things we are thankful for. I thought I’d let you in on the silly but memorable way that we do it…and how it has grown.
Several years ago during our first November here at the farm, we decided we’d write down three things every day that we were thankful for. Our original plan was to write them down on little pieces of cardstock and tape them to the wall. Back then, we did most of our school stuff in the basement, so the basement walls were where we planned to tape these things up. The problem was that our basement walls are concrete, and we live in Minnesota. We very quickly found out that tape doesn’t stick to anything cold.
But we are hmmmschoolers, so we are also problem solvers. Which means…
…everything that year got taped to our lovely 1960s tiled ceiling. And our ceiling sure got full that Thanksgiving season! (And yes, all those things are still on the ceiling, four years later.)
You might think this is silly, but I’m tellin’ ya – anything that gets taped to a ceiling gets noticed. And what’s better to notice than a whole heap of blessings?
As years have passed, we’ve extended the silliness. We still take every day in the month of November to write down three things we are thankful for. But we aren’t just sticking with the basement ceiling anymore. I mean, let’s branch out. Where else do we spend our time?
Survey says that three of the four people in this house spend a lot of time looking here. (Yes, I live in a house of all males.)
And if you know anything about guys, you know they are in the fridge a lot. So why not put some of our thankful notes in there?
The stairway! How perfect! (And yes, that second stair does say “Hot Guy”. That one’s mine. That’s what I call my hubby, much to my children’s dismay.)
Learn to take advantage of every space you can. There are so many places you can tape your thankful notes so your family can see them everyday.
You know we all go in the coffee cupboard every. single. day. What a great place to put some reminders!
As you look around your home, you’ll find so many places to use for displaying your gratitude. So many, in fact, that you might find the things that you are thankful for… everywhere you look!
"Underware that fits" – Amen to that!!!
Hell hath no fury like a mom whose underwear are makin' her crabby. And that's all Ima gonna say!
I really like "guns" and "a goat cart". LOL And I can relate to the crabby underwear!
We still put things on the fridge. How boring! Although we're big fans of window crayons and sometimes "to-be-noticed" things are on the patio doors!